Healthcare and Services
Young offenders
Here at the Direction of Youth Protection, we aim at protecting the society, give a sense of responsibility to the young people who commit infractions, in accordance to the criminal justice law for adolescents. We must ensure the eligibility of teenagers aged between 12 to 17 to the extrajudicial sanctions program, for situations that does not require an appearance in court; the redaction of a pre-sentence report ordered by the judge following a culpability judgment by the court, to help him take the best possible decision; the supervision of court orders; the monitoring of youth under surveillance in the community, in open or closed custody, that are under probationary measures.
In order to give a sense of responsibility to the youth and mobilize their entourage, our mission is to:
- Make the teenager answer for the infraction he committed
- Create a sense of responsibilities by making the teenager recognize the damage done to the victim and the community
- Help the rehabilitation and the social reinsertion in order to promote a lasting protection of the public
- Develop the teenager and his parent’s skills in order to help reduce the risks of recidivism.
This part of our mission is addressed to the young offenders and their families in collaboration with the 7 communities of the Hudson Bay in Nunavik.